Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Quantum Physics + Runes = Salutation to the Sun

Attract the Power of the Sun With Sowulo Ritual

Attract the power of the SUN into your daily life with this simple Rune Magic Sowulo Ritual and the Laws of Quantum Physics.

What is Magic?

Magic is the moving of energies from one place to another without any physical means.

Rune Magic is the moving of Runic energies from one place to another without any physical means.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that all energy past, present and future exists in an infinite ocean of intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean.

Most of the Rune Magic Rituals I perform consists in attracting Runic energies out of the Quantum Ocean and into my aura,

where I can use them.

Whatever energies you carry in your aura will attract "LIKE" energies into your life like a magnet.


If you perform a Rune FA "Prosperity" ritual, you will attract runic prosperity energies into your aura and your life.

If you perform a Rune URUZ "Health" ritual, you will attract runic health energies into your aura and into your life.


Rune magic is not instantaneous. It is slow and cummulative Rune Magic.

No instant pot of gold. But the runic energies of money possibilities and money probabilities will fill your aura. These energies in your aura will attract people, places and events into your life. That is where the money is.

No instant healings. But the slow and cumulative Runic healing energy flowing into your aura will clear all health blockages, thus leading to better health.

If you are in a hurry for 'instantaneous' anything you won't get it with Rune Magic.

Rune Magic Sowulo

We are going to use a different kind of Rune Magic in this ritual. We will not be pulling the Runic energy out of the Quantum Ocean. We will be pulling energy out of the Sun, filtering it through a Rune Sowulo symbol and into our auras.

You can see Rune Magic is simple and versatile.

It is also very powerful because Runes are Universal Creative Energies. Each Rune is a link or a key to the infinite energies that exist in the Quantum Ocean which some people refer to as the Mind of God.

Rune Sowulo represents the Sun and it radiates the Runic energies of Victory and Success.

We are going to do a:

Salutation to the Sun

using a Sowulo Rune.

I am not going into how important our Sun is or was in the religion and culture of many, many civilizations of the past. You all know that.

Our Sun is an extremely powerful energy source for all life in our solar system. The Sun's energy is called prana, nous, life-force, chi, etc. It is multi-dimensional and overrides all known physical laws.

We want to draw this powerful energy inside of us.

Here is What We Are Going To Do!

Get up at sunrise.

Greet the Sun.

Inscribe the Rune Sowulo in the air in front of us with our fingers.

Breath in the life-force flowing from the Sun into our auras.

This life-force will first pass through the Sowulo Rune we have inscribed in the air in front of us.

The Sowulo Rune will act like a prisim which refracts the white light into the seven primary colors.

The Sowulo Rune will refract the life force of the Sun into the Runic energies of Victory and Success.

It will be the Runic energies of Victory and Success that will fill our aura.

It will be the Runic energies of Victory and Success that will act like a magnet in our physical world and attract the people, places and events that will bring us Victory and Success in all we do.

Rune Magic Sowulo Salutation to The Sun Ritual

Stand facing the Rising Sun (face east on a cloudy day.)

Relax and breath deeply and quietly.

Take the index finger of your right hand and inscribe a large Sowulo Rune symbol in the air in front of you.

Do this 3 times.

Now take a deep breath and intone:

"I am now breathing the life force of the Sun towards me and through my Sowulo Rune and into my aura."

Visualize the powerful rays of the Sun speeding to you, pouring through your Sowulo Rune and into your aura.

3 breaths and 3 intonations.

Stand relaxed and know that your aura is now full of Sowulo Runic energy. The Runic energy of Victory and Success.

Give a mental thanks and go about your business knowing that this Runic energy in your aura will attract to you people, places and events that will bring you Victory and Success.

No Time limit. Be patient.

Practice this Rune Magic Sowulo Ritual every morning. It is cummulative. Watch your life change for the better.

Rune Magic Sowulo

No dogma. No ritualistic tools. No mumbo jumbo.

Just the intelligent moving of Runic energy powered by the Sun and into your aura.

We are in a new age, the Age of Science. We need to begin rethinking our Runes and our gods/goddesses scientifically. Not with a sword in our hands.

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