Saturday, November 3, 2007



We have just recently entered the Age of Aquarius. It will last us 2000 years. We have just left the Age of Pisces which has lasted for the past 2000 years.

The major significance upon entering the Age of Aquarius means, that we, as a solar system, will be spinning through an entirely new part of the galaxy. A place where we have never been before.

This is not entirely true. According to the Laws of Quantum Physics, everything that ever was, is or will be already exists in the quantum ocean (Mind of God) in the here-now.

The quantum ocean is an infinite ocean of intelligent substance that the quantum physic scientists are calling intelligent quantum particles. It will take what we think and turn our thoughts into our realities.

So we must watch what we think. And in order to think better thoughts we need to have better information as to what is happening in our world. We are moving out of the Age of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius.

This 2000 year journey we are taking through space has always existed in the quantum ocean as a divine blueprint of possibility.

We as individual souls or units of individualized consciousness are now experiencing this move as part of our here-now experience in time.

Time is just a function of separation. It separates all of the billions of intelligent quantum particle packets, which I call divine blueprints, in the quantum ocean, into separate events in time.

In our individual lives, time separates our individualized past from our individualized present from our individualized future. It is separating our events.

The collective consciousness of all humanity, as well as each of our individual consciousnesses are now experiencing the event in time called the Age of Aquarius. It will be different and unique for each of us according to our individual thoughts and feelings.

We all understand how our planet Earth circles our sun. Astrologically we have given a name to each of the thirty degree arcs around the sun. Each arc takes one month to circumnavigate. Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc.

We have built up a whole Science of Astrology based on this concept and movements. The divine blueprint for Astrology also exists in the quantum ocean (Mind of God).

Our solar system is also spinning through the galaxy. Circling our galactic sun. Each arc takes 2000 years to circumnavigate. We are moving in a C.C.W. direction. So, the order of movements around the galactic sun is Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus.

For the past 2000 years we have occupied the thirty degree arc around the galactic sun called the Age of Pisces. It was the Age of Christianity and formal dogmatic religion. As we move away from this arc and deeper into the arc of Aquarius, the power that sustains Christianity and the other formal religions will fail.

They will go back into the quantum ocean as unmanifested blueprints and not be an influence on humanity anymore.. They will go the way of the Age of the Dinosaurs.

During the Age of Pisces the dominating energy was the energy of 'I BELIEVE.' Humanity on a whole needed someone else to tell them what to believe, who God was, how to heal themselves, what tor read, study and to think.

The age of priests, rabbis, doctors, lawyers, generals, teachers, gurus, prophets, etc. Humanity listened and humanity believed.

Now, during the Age of Aquarius the dominating energy is the energy of 'I KNOW'. We will no longer need to believe what others tell us. We will know by direct experience who God is. We will know how to heal ourselves. We will know how to live in peace. We will know what to think and study. No more middle man.

The Age of Aquarius, which is just a few years old, has already given us some new divine blueprints for our use and study.

The Laws of Quantum Physics, the Laws of Radionics, Laws of Orgone Generation and the Internet are the new gifts.

What will the next 1900+ years bring us. The quantum ocean will manifest treasures for us according to its own divine time table of manifested events. Anyone who leaves the Creator God out of this equation is starting from a wrong premise and doomed to fail.

In the meantime we must be aware that we are in a transition period. For the last 100 years and the next 100 years the Age of Pisces and all its forms are disintergrating. While the Age of Aquarius and its form are just coming into birth.

We live in exciting times!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom techings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For moe of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Thursday, November 1, 2007



Before you can expect to live a happy, healthy, loving life you must first start with a set of Natural Order guidelines.

Life-fact #1 "Everything is energy."

You are not a solid dense physical being. You are an energy being. You have at least four energy bodies. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The purpose of these bodies is to allow your soul to experience manifested reality. Your soul uses these bodies to feel, move, think and evolve.

You are not your body. You are not your feelings and emotions. You are not your thoughts. You are much, much more.

You are a soul, an inter dimensional being dwelling in the light, surrounded and supported by spiritual powers.

You must not only understand this. You must live this. Break through the dogmatized prison of words and move out into the free air of energy.

Time to understand the rules of energy beings.

The Laws of Quantum Physics has broken down the doors of superstition and privileged secret knowledge. This knowledge was kept secret by the religious leaders, the shamans, the healers, the voo doo doctors and the self appointed gurus who charge you a $100 an hour to talk to them.

It was whispered and cloaked in secret rituals and practices. But it was always avaliable for those who had eyes to see and ears to hear.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tells us that all is energy. Thoughts are things, That there is an infinite ocean of thinking stuff called the quantum ocean. In this quantum ocean there is no time, nor space. No past, present nor future only the now. So there is, in reality only the HERE-NOW. And you and I live, move and have our being in this HERE-NOW.

All this was hinted at in the sacred scriptures and writings. It was called The Mind of God. You are an energy being and you live and move and have your being inside a greater energy being we call God.

You are to God as your cells are to your body. What kind of a cell are you? A fingernail cell with a very short useless life? Or a brain cell with a longer useful life?

Be still and know that You are God. Be still and know that you live and move in the HERE-NOW of the quantum ocean. In this Mind of God.

In my father's house there are many mansions. In the quantum ocean there are many divine blueprints for creation

As above so below. When you look above at the heavens you can see the energy fields called planets, suns, moons, stars separated by immense distances and space.

If you take a microscope and look within yourself you would see atoms, molecules and electrons separated by immense distances and space.

The planets circle the sun just as the electrons in your body circle your protons.

You are energy. I am energy. The planet Earth is energy. The solar system is energy. The galaxy is energy. The universe is energy. God is energy.

Natural Order Life-fact #1 states that all is energy. Learn to live your life as an energy being.

Learn all about the Laws of Quantum Physics. Learn all about the Law of Three. Learn all about the Law of Resonant Frequencies. Learn all about the Law of Attraction.

'Ye Are Gods'. Nietzsche was right!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom techings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For moe of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.