Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Quantum Physics and Theosophy William Q Judge

William Q. Judge 1893

The Age of Aquarius is upon us. The Age of Pisces is without any energy to continue to sustain itself. All Piscean structures such as formal religions will soon go the way of the extinct Do -Do bird.

The Age of Aquarius has just begun and has 1950 years to go. This is the "End Time" all the prophets have spoken about.

The world of Theosophy, although written in the language of the Piscean Age is timeless. It contains many of the seeds of the Laws of Quantum Physics which is one of the gifts of the Age of Aquarius.

All the great writers and thinkers of the Theosophical Society wrote and spoke about the timeless Ancient Wisdom.

Now it is time for the 21st Century Age of Aquarius writers and thinkers to show the validity and connection of the Ancient Wisdom with the Laws of Quantum Physics.

I will attempt to make a start and hope those more gifts will take up the Lamp of the Age of Aquarius and update the Ancient Wisdom using the language of the Laws of Quantum Physics.

William Q. Judge was a proficient writer of the Theosophical Society. Below are some Quotes from his book, "The Ocean of Theosophy, 1893," with my commentaries of the Laws of Quantum Physics.

"Theosophy views the Universe as an intelligent whole, hence every motion in the Universe is an action of that whole, leading to results, which themselves become causes for further results."

"Theosophy applies to the self, the thinker, the same laws which are seen in operation throughout nature. All varieties of this Great Law state that effects follow causes and you can not have an effect without a cause."

Judge is explaining the Laws of Quantum Ocean in the metaphysical flowery language used in the Age of Pisces.

The Laws of Quantum Physics simply tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. This is the Mind of the Creator God.

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in this infinite Ocean. There is no time, past, present nor future there. There is no space, breadth, width, height there. There is only the infinite point called the HERE-NOW.

The ideas of Theosophy always existed in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. They 'blink out' periodically into the physical world according to some divine timing blueprint in the Mind of God.

In the 19Th Century they "blinked out" of the Quantum Ocean and into the mind of H.P. Blavatsky. She wrote about it and started the Theosophical Society.

Now in the Age of Aquarius it is time for the wisdom of the 19Th Century Theosophical ideas to 'blink out' in a new modern language, the Laws of Quantum Physics. That is my job and yours if you so desire.

When you read the words of William Q. Judge, keep the Laws of Quantum Physics as described above in your mind, and notice the similarity.

"Theosophy is not a belief or Dogma formulated or invented by man, but a knowledge of the Laws which govern the evolution of the Physical, Astral, Psychic and intellectual constituents of Nature and Man."

The Quantum Ocean contains the "ALL." All the Divine blueprints for mass evolution, the evolution of planets, Galaxies, Universes are there. Enlightened Man/Woman or CONSCIOUS Man/Woman such as Blavatsky and Judge needed only to enter the Quantum Ocean (Meditation) and Mind of God and bring them out. They brought them out at their own level of consciousness and explained it in their own language.

Paul said, "I see through glasses Darkly." We all see reality through our own dark glasses of understanding.

It is time for us in the 21st Century man to enter the Quantum Ocean and bring out the truths of Theosophy using the language of the Laws of Quantum Physics.

"Theosophy is wisdom about God, Wisdom and Nature, embracing both the scientific and the Religious. Theosophy is a Scientific Religion and Religious Science. “

Nature and Man are the physical manifestation of the blueprints in the Mind of God.

"The strength of Theosophy lies in the fact that it is not to be defined. It is the Wisdom of the Gods, or of Nature. Evolution slowly progressing will bring out new truths. Words cannot explain Theosophy to all. It is the whole body of Truth about Man and Nature, either known now or here-after. To be discovered it has the power of growth.

Who can define what is in the Mind of God?

Now go back and re-read William Q. Judge and see how he was talking about the Laws of Quantum Physics from his 19Th century perception.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Quantum Physics and The I-Ching


Book Of Changes

The I-Ching, Book of Changes is alive and well. Richard Wilhelm has once more pulled the wisdom of this thousands of years old Chinese philosophy and divination tool out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

The Age of Aquarius that we have just entered (and will last another 1950 years) has given mankind several powerful gifts. The Sciences of Radionics, Orgone Generators and the Internet to name a few.

But the most valuable are the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws give us information about the creation of our Universe as well as who we are, where we came from and where we are going.

They tell us who God is (at least to the best of our ability to understand it) and our relationship to Him/Her/It.

It gives us the logical reasons why divination tools like the I-Ching, the Runes, the Tarot and Magic work.

Simply stated the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

There is no time in the Quantum Ocean, no past, present nor future. There is only the NOW.

There is no space. No height, width nor length. Only the infinite pinpoint called the 'Here Now!'.

The Universe, Galaxy, Solar Systems, you and I live in this infinite pin point called the HERE-NOW. It is this concept of Oneness that all the great philosophers and religious leaders try to explain. But they use the old outdated language of the Age of Pisces. It worked for them but it won't work for the new generations to come.

Now we need a new language for the Age of Aquarius, The Age of the Mind. That language is the Laws of Quantum Physics.

The Quantum Ocean, Mind of God seems to have two parts. I use the word "seem" because for the present there is no way to prove or disprove this. The Universe, Galaxy, Planets, you and I exist in both parts of the Quantum Ocean.

There is the un manifested "inner" intelligent energy part where all the exact divine blueprints of creation exist. Where our souls, higher selves exist in perfect form.

And the physical "outer" manifestation of all the Divine Blueprints, Universe, Galaxy, you and I.

They both exist in the infinite "HERE-NOW". It is our free will and our different levels of consciousness that have helped create this (seemingly) outer world. It is different from the inner world because of what man has added to or subtracted from the Divine Blueprint of what we really are. We have deviated from the original blue prints.

By the way, did you see the movie "Men in Black?" Remember the cat who carried his whole Galaxy in a ball around his neck? This is Quantum Physics! The 'here now' of that galaxy.

The I-Ching, Runes Astrology, and the Tarot are means that the mind of man has created as telephone lines between our "outer" physical selves here on the planet Earth and our "inner" selves, souls in the Quantum Ocean.

Our inner selves, our souls know exactly what it is we should be doing during each "incarnation." When we 'blink out' onto the physical plane.

Our inner selves is what the philosophers, religionists, occultists called our higher selves, our souls, our conscience etc.

While on the physical plane we, with our free will, tend to make wrong choices. Wrong choices, as far as the direction our higher self intended for us at the beginning of our incarnation, or "blinking out."

This causes pain, misery, poverty and seemingly bad luck for us on this trip of "Learning Experience."

The I-Ching is our phone. It connects us to that seemingly hidden word of our existence. The I-Ching is our Lantern. The Sage spoken about is our guide through this hidden world.

By using the I-Ching we are talking to ourselves, our higher selves.

The hexagrams reflect the path we must follow. If our attitudes are out of harmony with what our higher self tells us, it gives us warnings. It keeps us in tune with both our individual destiny and the destiny of the cosmos.

When we are out of harmony even our good luck is snatched away.

In all it's guidance the I-Ching leaves the final choices up to us. As it should be.

By using the I-Ching we align ourselves with our inner self. This is beneficial for us mentally, physically and spiritually.

The I-Ching corrects inner destructive habits and when this happens our outer gets better. The release of inner negative destructive habits relieves degenerate physical effects.

The I-Ching brings you in accord with the Divine Blue Prints of Creation. It is good for each one of us to come into Harmony with the Cosmos, Mind of God.

The next time you pick up your I-Ching notice have some of the "Age of Pisces" phrases can be thought of in terms of the New Age of Aquarius, Laws of Quantum Physics.

Example: "The Well. It is an endless supply of cool, refreshing water. It is available to everyone. Just come to the well and drop your unbroken bucket to the bottom. Do not allow your rope or bucket to be broken by doubts or cynicism. It drives away wisdom.”

It is the perfect explanation of Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

How about "youthful Folly! Approach the Sage of the I-Ching with a childish openness of mind.”

In the Bible it says "Unless ye become as children you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

The I-Ching and the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God are there for our use. We must approach it with the childish faith and expectation that it is real and will help us.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at: