Saturday, November 3, 2007



We have just recently entered the Age of Aquarius. It will last us 2000 years. We have just left the Age of Pisces which has lasted for the past 2000 years.

The major significance upon entering the Age of Aquarius means, that we, as a solar system, will be spinning through an entirely new part of the galaxy. A place where we have never been before.

This is not entirely true. According to the Laws of Quantum Physics, everything that ever was, is or will be already exists in the quantum ocean (Mind of God) in the here-now.

The quantum ocean is an infinite ocean of intelligent substance that the quantum physic scientists are calling intelligent quantum particles. It will take what we think and turn our thoughts into our realities.

So we must watch what we think. And in order to think better thoughts we need to have better information as to what is happening in our world. We are moving out of the Age of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius.

This 2000 year journey we are taking through space has always existed in the quantum ocean as a divine blueprint of possibility.

We as individual souls or units of individualized consciousness are now experiencing this move as part of our here-now experience in time.

Time is just a function of separation. It separates all of the billions of intelligent quantum particle packets, which I call divine blueprints, in the quantum ocean, into separate events in time.

In our individual lives, time separates our individualized past from our individualized present from our individualized future. It is separating our events.

The collective consciousness of all humanity, as well as each of our individual consciousnesses are now experiencing the event in time called the Age of Aquarius. It will be different and unique for each of us according to our individual thoughts and feelings.

We all understand how our planet Earth circles our sun. Astrologically we have given a name to each of the thirty degree arcs around the sun. Each arc takes one month to circumnavigate. Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc.

We have built up a whole Science of Astrology based on this concept and movements. The divine blueprint for Astrology also exists in the quantum ocean (Mind of God).

Our solar system is also spinning through the galaxy. Circling our galactic sun. Each arc takes 2000 years to circumnavigate. We are moving in a C.C.W. direction. So, the order of movements around the galactic sun is Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus.

For the past 2000 years we have occupied the thirty degree arc around the galactic sun called the Age of Pisces. It was the Age of Christianity and formal dogmatic religion. As we move away from this arc and deeper into the arc of Aquarius, the power that sustains Christianity and the other formal religions will fail.

They will go back into the quantum ocean as unmanifested blueprints and not be an influence on humanity anymore.. They will go the way of the Age of the Dinosaurs.

During the Age of Pisces the dominating energy was the energy of 'I BELIEVE.' Humanity on a whole needed someone else to tell them what to believe, who God was, how to heal themselves, what tor read, study and to think.

The age of priests, rabbis, doctors, lawyers, generals, teachers, gurus, prophets, etc. Humanity listened and humanity believed.

Now, during the Age of Aquarius the dominating energy is the energy of 'I KNOW'. We will no longer need to believe what others tell us. We will know by direct experience who God is. We will know how to heal ourselves. We will know how to live in peace. We will know what to think and study. No more middle man.

The Age of Aquarius, which is just a few years old, has already given us some new divine blueprints for our use and study.

The Laws of Quantum Physics, the Laws of Radionics, Laws of Orgone Generation and the Internet are the new gifts.

What will the next 1900+ years bring us. The quantum ocean will manifest treasures for us according to its own divine time table of manifested events. Anyone who leaves the Creator God out of this equation is starting from a wrong premise and doomed to fail.

In the meantime we must be aware that we are in a transition period. For the last 100 years and the next 100 years the Age of Pisces and all its forms are disintergrating. While the Age of Aquarius and its form are just coming into birth.

We live in exciting times!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom techings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For moe of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Thursday, November 1, 2007



Before you can expect to live a happy, healthy, loving life you must first start with a set of Natural Order guidelines.

Life-fact #1 "Everything is energy."

You are not a solid dense physical being. You are an energy being. You have at least four energy bodies. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The purpose of these bodies is to allow your soul to experience manifested reality. Your soul uses these bodies to feel, move, think and evolve.

You are not your body. You are not your feelings and emotions. You are not your thoughts. You are much, much more.

You are a soul, an inter dimensional being dwelling in the light, surrounded and supported by spiritual powers.

You must not only understand this. You must live this. Break through the dogmatized prison of words and move out into the free air of energy.

Time to understand the rules of energy beings.

The Laws of Quantum Physics has broken down the doors of superstition and privileged secret knowledge. This knowledge was kept secret by the religious leaders, the shamans, the healers, the voo doo doctors and the self appointed gurus who charge you a $100 an hour to talk to them.

It was whispered and cloaked in secret rituals and practices. But it was always avaliable for those who had eyes to see and ears to hear.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tells us that all is energy. Thoughts are things, That there is an infinite ocean of thinking stuff called the quantum ocean. In this quantum ocean there is no time, nor space. No past, present nor future only the now. So there is, in reality only the HERE-NOW. And you and I live, move and have our being in this HERE-NOW.

All this was hinted at in the sacred scriptures and writings. It was called The Mind of God. You are an energy being and you live and move and have your being inside a greater energy being we call God.

You are to God as your cells are to your body. What kind of a cell are you? A fingernail cell with a very short useless life? Or a brain cell with a longer useful life?

Be still and know that You are God. Be still and know that you live and move in the HERE-NOW of the quantum ocean. In this Mind of God.

In my father's house there are many mansions. In the quantum ocean there are many divine blueprints for creation

As above so below. When you look above at the heavens you can see the energy fields called planets, suns, moons, stars separated by immense distances and space.

If you take a microscope and look within yourself you would see atoms, molecules and electrons separated by immense distances and space.

The planets circle the sun just as the electrons in your body circle your protons.

You are energy. I am energy. The planet Earth is energy. The solar system is energy. The galaxy is energy. The universe is energy. God is energy.

Natural Order Life-fact #1 states that all is energy. Learn to live your life as an energy being.

Learn all about the Laws of Quantum Physics. Learn all about the Law of Three. Learn all about the Law of Resonant Frequencies. Learn all about the Law of Attraction.

'Ye Are Gods'. Nietzsche was right!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom techings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For moe of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Sunday, October 28, 2007



The laws of Quantum Physics have opened wide the doors of all the sacred and hidden wisdom of the past. This wisdom was usually referred to as 'The Mind Of God.' And, only very special people were privy to it. Priests, shamans, healers, voo doo doctors, magicians, etc. It was also called by many other names.

Now we know it as the Quantum Ocean. This is where all energy exists in an ocean of non manifested substance. The energy in this ocean is a thinking energy and it responds to the thoughts of man.

This is what 'The Secret', that is storming the country, is all about, though it is a little shallow and commercial.

All energy exists past, present and future. There is no time only the now in this ocean. There is no space in this ocean only the here. So the quantum ocean, like the Tao, can be explained as the HERE AND NOW.

Inside the quantum ocean are what I like to call Divine Blueprints. These are archetypal blueprints of the Natural Order of Things. These are blueprints for man, for trees, for butterflies, for bees, for mountains, for oceans, etc.

They are the blueprints that some powerful thinking being, that we call God placed there for our use. I do not believe in the big bang theory. The divine blueprints automatically reproduce themselves on the physical plane.

The divine blueprint for an oak tree will produce and oak tree on the physical plane. if you plant an acorn you will not get a birch tree.

There are also divine blueprints for man.

But alas, with the quantum ocean also comes the ability for man to co-create his own blueprints. And, in my opinion he has messed up many attempts.


DOR is the term that Wilhelm Reich coined. He used it to talk about deadly energy that is harmful to man. Life force is energy that is beneficial to man.

DOR is one of the man made blueprints. It is produced by EMF power stations, elf towers, cell phones, harp towers, micro wave ovens. TVs, computers. All blueprints man has created without any idea if they were safe or not. They are not. They interfere with the finally tuned energy body of humans and causes all kinds of illnesses.

By the way, negative emotions are also a form of DOR. They are not part of the the Natural Order Divine Blueprints. They cause all kinds or problems in relationships.


Quantum physics is telling us what the ancients knew all along. We are energy beings. We are not solid. We have four bodies. A physical, an emotional, a mental and a spiritual. They surround us like onion skins. They are all held in place by our aura, which is like a tight pantie hose that surrounds us.

Natural Order says that man is a soul that builds and inhabits a physical body to experience reality.

DOR says that man is a body that has a soul.. Quite a difference.


Quantum physics tells us, that thanks to the Law of Attraction, whatever energies we carry in our auras, attracts our life to us by attracting people, places and events.

Our aura contains our thoughts and feelings as well as our physical body. This is why we are told to watch our thoughts.

When they say 'Thoughts are Things', the should really say, 'Thoughts Attract Things.'


The key to attracting energy out of the quantum ocean is SYMBOLS. Every symbol you can imagine exists in the quantum ocean. All divine symbols and all man made DOR symbols.

To stay healthy, wealthy and wise attract nothing but divine blueprints symbols into your aura and keep DOR symbols out.

Sacred geometrical forms such as equilateral triangles, squares, circles, etc, are divine blueprint symbols which contain life force that is positive for man. Runes are also divine symbols. Pyramids are divine symbols..

A photo or a drawing of a divine symbol on your desk connects to the actual divine symbol in the quantum ocean. Law of resonant frequencies.

So if you want to rid your home of DOR place as many divine symbols in and around your house as you can. They will neutralize the DOR energies.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom techings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For moe of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Thursday, October 18, 2007



The 21st century has ushered in the Laws of Quantum Physics and the Science of Radionics. It si time for each of us to start to recreate our reality our life.

The Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics, the Science of Radionics and the Internet. And we have 1950 more years to go.

Quantum Physics has broken open the sealed doors of secret hidden information. These were the sole properity of the elite. The Illuminate, the secret societies, the religious leaders, the shamans, etc. They called it by many different names; the mind of god, the laws of god, ancient wisdom, secret rituals, etc.

But it is all the same. The actual way the universe works and how to use its laws to better your life.

Quantum physics unlocks these secrets for all of us to use. Now we too know how it works.

There is an infinite ocean of energy called the Quantum Ocean. It is full of thinking stuff, which permeates and penetrates all the spaces in our universe.

All thoughts sent into this thinking stuff produce its physical manifestation in our world.

We can now all bring into our lives what we desire by sending our thoughts into this formless thinking substance.

We can create our own reality anew. We have been creating our reality all along, with our thoughts. This is why so many of us are unhappy, broke and ill.

The problem is that we have too many thoughts. Unfortunately over 90% of these thoughts are negative repetitions of what we don't want in our lives.

Time to think of what we do want. Time to create a happier, healthier richer life.

Here's where radionics comes in. Radionics can now be called the Science of the Future. It is the Science of Attraction.

It is the linkage between the energies that exist in the quantum ocean and our individual realities, our lives.

There is no time in the quantum ocean. No past, present nor future. Only the now. We can attract eneregies from the past ,the present and the future. What do you want?

There are three working principles to radionics:

A POWER SOURCE which creates life force. The medium through which energy travels.

A STATEMENT OF INTENT. A wish, prayer, desire of what you want.

A TARGET. Where do you want this energy to go? Your photo? Drop of blood? Signature?

Radionics needs a matrix. A playing filed where the energies coming out of the quantum ocean meet our present reality.

A radionics matrix can be a $5000 electronic box; a black box; a wood plaque with sacred geometrical symbols or even a hand written circuit on a piece of paper.

Choose the one that suits you best. Get busy recreating your life for the better. The net is full of sites telling you about the secret. I am telling you how it works.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Attract the wealth energies of rune FA.

The Runes and their energies exist in the Quantum Ocean.

Quantum Physics tells us that through the working principles of the Law of Attraction, Law of Resonant Frequencies and Mental Radionics we can attract the Runes and their energies into our lives now.

We can attract the runic energies of wealth now.

Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that Odin and the gods/goddesses of the North still live and have power.

Runes are Individual Keys to the Creative Energies of the Universe. They existed long before Odin rediscovered them. They existed and still exist (in the Quantum Ocean) as pure energy fields.

Do not just read about runes, tell fortunes or search down their history USE THEM NOW!

Use the Laws of Quantum Physics to bring them into your life now.

Build your own individual one-on-one connection with each rune then you will receive only the energies that you programmed into them.

In this way when you meditate on the pure symbol of the Rune FA, the rune of wealth, you will receive only what you programmed into it, wealth.

Odin the All-Father gave us the gift of the rediscovered runes so that we could use their Universal Energies to recreate our lives the way we want them.

The 21st Century Laws of Quantum Physics tell us how to make these one-on-one connections.

Briefly How We Can Use The Laws of Quantum Physics For Wealth:

By knowing what you and the world are made of is the first key to understanding how to make your individual world the way you want it.

Quantum Physics is a science finally catching up with the laws of spirituality and common sense and explaining it. Our ancestors instinctively knew the Laws of Spirituality. The runes, Odin and the gods/goddesses lived very closely to our ancestors.They interacted daily.

We have lost our spirituality. But now in the Age of Science we can get it back.

We can bring Odin, the runes and the gods/goddesses of our ancestors back. I will show you how using the Laws of Quantum Physics you can do that.

I will also show you how you can bring them back on an individual one-on-one relationship. Just you and them with no outside or inside interference.

Quantum Physics is the study of the building blocks of the universe. The runes are our building blocks of the universe.

The Rune FA - Wealth is the first rune I will write about. We all need more money to live the kind of life style we want for us and our children.

Think of the 18 runes as 18 individual undifferentiated energy fields waiting in the Quantum Ocean for you to draw them out and shape them the way you want, like so much magical clay.


Know this about Quantum Physics:

1. Thoughts are things.

2. You can create wealth with your mind.

3. Your "I AM" statements are very powerful and when you say or think them they connect you to the creative energies of the Quantum Ocean.

4. When the energies of the Quantum Ocean are attracted to you and start to flow towards your aura, give them, by using your mind, an exact task to perform.


You are in control of the Universal Creative Energies of the runes.


1. Sit comfortably with your large RUNE FA symbol in your hands.

2. Breathe slowly and deeply.

3. Look at the RUNE FA symbol. This will automatically connect you to the RUNE FA undifferentiated energies in the Quantum Ocean. This is the Law of Mental Radionics.

4. Take a deep breath and mentally say: "I am now inhaling the wealth energies of RUNE FA out of the Quantum Ocean and into my aura." This starts the actual flow of the RUNE FA energy.

5. Do this three times.

6. Now, with your aura full of RUNE FA wealth energy:


7. The way you do this is this way:

Intone mentally as you are breathing softly and normally the following:







What would you do not if you were rich?

8. The RUNE FA energy in your aura will slowly seep wealth energy into each and every cell in your body exactly to your specific "I AM COMMANDS."

9. Quantum Physics tells us that this RUNE FA wealth energy has a consciousness. Each and every one of your cells has a consciousness.

10. Your mind (consciousness) is in charge of both of them. Your "I AM" statements are COMMANDS to them.

11. They will respond and bring you the wealth you desire.

12. What kind of wealth do you desire? Tell them!

13. You must give this pure wealth energy a target. The Law of Mental Radionics tell you that what you think will attract like to you. So when you think I am happy with my gold coins and jewels, then this idea goes out from you.

14. The Laws of Quantum Physics says that gold and jewels will not manifest on your doorstep, but your aura will fill with energies of possibilities and probabilities that will attract people, places and events that will bring the gold and jewels to you.

15. I have just given you a few examples above. Make up your own "I AM" commands.

16. Whenever you look at your RUNE FA symbol it sends out messages of wealth.

17 . Individualize it once and your RUNE FA is pre-programmed to send you these energies every time you look at it.

18. Think of many. many, many, many more "I AM " commands programmed into your RUNES.

16. When I look at MY RUNES I get only the energies I PROGRAMMED INTO THEM. Do the same.

17. Odin when he rediscovered the RUNES gave them to us as a gift. TO USE THEM TO RECREATE OUR LIVES THE WAY WE WANT THEM.


Do not concern yourself how the wealth will come. Attract the RUNE FA prosperity energies out of the Quantum Ocean direct it into your aura , then give it your "I AM COMMANDS."


This is the way we bring the runes and Odin out of the dark ages and into the 21st century. Use the Laws of Quantum Physics.

Come visit my web sites:


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Quantum Physics + Runes = Salutation to the Sun

Attract the Power of the Sun With Sowulo Ritual

Attract the power of the SUN into your daily life with this simple Rune Magic Sowulo Ritual and the Laws of Quantum Physics.

What is Magic?

Magic is the moving of energies from one place to another without any physical means.

Rune Magic is the moving of Runic energies from one place to another without any physical means.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that all energy past, present and future exists in an infinite ocean of intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean.

Most of the Rune Magic Rituals I perform consists in attracting Runic energies out of the Quantum Ocean and into my aura,

where I can use them.

Whatever energies you carry in your aura will attract "LIKE" energies into your life like a magnet.


If you perform a Rune FA "Prosperity" ritual, you will attract runic prosperity energies into your aura and your life.

If you perform a Rune URUZ "Health" ritual, you will attract runic health energies into your aura and into your life.


Rune magic is not instantaneous. It is slow and cummulative Rune Magic.

No instant pot of gold. But the runic energies of money possibilities and money probabilities will fill your aura. These energies in your aura will attract people, places and events into your life. That is where the money is.

No instant healings. But the slow and cumulative Runic healing energy flowing into your aura will clear all health blockages, thus leading to better health.

If you are in a hurry for 'instantaneous' anything you won't get it with Rune Magic.

Rune Magic Sowulo

We are going to use a different kind of Rune Magic in this ritual. We will not be pulling the Runic energy out of the Quantum Ocean. We will be pulling energy out of the Sun, filtering it through a Rune Sowulo symbol and into our auras.

You can see Rune Magic is simple and versatile.

It is also very powerful because Runes are Universal Creative Energies. Each Rune is a link or a key to the infinite energies that exist in the Quantum Ocean which some people refer to as the Mind of God.

Rune Sowulo represents the Sun and it radiates the Runic energies of Victory and Success.

We are going to do a:

Salutation to the Sun

using a Sowulo Rune.

I am not going into how important our Sun is or was in the religion and culture of many, many civilizations of the past. You all know that.

Our Sun is an extremely powerful energy source for all life in our solar system. The Sun's energy is called prana, nous, life-force, chi, etc. It is multi-dimensional and overrides all known physical laws.

We want to draw this powerful energy inside of us.

Here is What We Are Going To Do!

Get up at sunrise.

Greet the Sun.

Inscribe the Rune Sowulo in the air in front of us with our fingers.

Breath in the life-force flowing from the Sun into our auras.

This life-force will first pass through the Sowulo Rune we have inscribed in the air in front of us.

The Sowulo Rune will act like a prisim which refracts the white light into the seven primary colors.

The Sowulo Rune will refract the life force of the Sun into the Runic energies of Victory and Success.

It will be the Runic energies of Victory and Success that will fill our aura.

It will be the Runic energies of Victory and Success that will act like a magnet in our physical world and attract the people, places and events that will bring us Victory and Success in all we do.

Rune Magic Sowulo Salutation to The Sun Ritual

Stand facing the Rising Sun (face east on a cloudy day.)

Relax and breath deeply and quietly.

Take the index finger of your right hand and inscribe a large Sowulo Rune symbol in the air in front of you.

Do this 3 times.

Now take a deep breath and intone:

"I am now breathing the life force of the Sun towards me and through my Sowulo Rune and into my aura."

Visualize the powerful rays of the Sun speeding to you, pouring through your Sowulo Rune and into your aura.

3 breaths and 3 intonations.

Stand relaxed and know that your aura is now full of Sowulo Runic energy. The Runic energy of Victory and Success.

Give a mental thanks and go about your business knowing that this Runic energy in your aura will attract to you people, places and events that will bring you Victory and Success.

No Time limit. Be patient.

Practice this Rune Magic Sowulo Ritual every morning. It is cummulative. Watch your life change for the better.

Rune Magic Sowulo

No dogma. No ritualistic tools. No mumbo jumbo.

Just the intelligent moving of Runic energy powered by the Sun and into your aura.

We are in a new age, the Age of Science. We need to begin rethinking our Runes and our gods/goddesses scientifically. Not with a sword in our hands.

Please visit my website: